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Azienda attiva dal 1946 per la costruzione di tubi di grande diametro, recipienti in pressioni, lavorazioni meccaniche e produzione di torri per turbine a vento.

Loc. Castel di Sette
Mozzagrogna, CH, 66030
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ProductsManifacturing of steel products according to customer's specific requirements

Pugliese has consolidated its position as a strategic partner of major European industrial groups, which rely on our expertise certain to receive excellent workmanship for the equipment and machinery of their industrial plants.


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Flanges, metal structurer & otherOur company produces:

Made with passion, quality and professionalism
since 1946

By 2030, installed wind power capacity will reach 2,110 GW, providing 20% of electricity.

GalleryA series of work done